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15 Causes Of Mood Swings

Writer's picture: ElmaElma

Updated: Oct 20, 2023

In my last blog post, I shared 1o very easy ways on how to feel better when you are anxious.

What I did not share at the same time was, those tips can work like a charm on mood swings, too.

Mood swings are often associated with PMS. While it is true that period pangs cause mood highs and lows, it is not the only thing that causes moodiness.

When my beloved Mama passed away, I grieved quietly, silently, secretly. I must have lived a double life; putting up a strong front, going to work the very next week, went to Bali the next month, spent time laughing with friends over dinner in the next available evenings. I sobbed in the shower, in my sleep, in seclusion every single night after all that "living" in the day. My days swung from the very highs to loneliest lows for years.

I did not fall into depression, but I am very prone to anxiety attacks. With that comes along mood swings, often triggered by feelings of grief and distress.

Frequent mood swings can affect the quality of your relationships, your performance at work, your health and mental well-being, and ultimately the overall quality of your life.

Identifying the root cause of mood swings is key in discovering the most effective solution or remedy for you.

Let's find out if any of these 15 causes of mood swings resonates with you.

1. Not enough sleep (or too much)

Too much sleep, for instance, may make you feel groggy, and this may make you have the tendency to snap at the people around you after you get out of bed.

2. Low blood sugar

If you have ever felt “hangry” - hungry and angry at the same time - low blood sugar may have been to blame. If you have diabetes, it is important to notice sudden mood changes because you could faint if your blood sugar stays too low for long.

3. Caffeine

Coffee, soda and other beverages that contain caffeine can boost your mood as you feel a burst of energy. Because caffeine stimulates your nervous system, you may feel more alert than usual. When you consume caffeine regularly, your body gets used to its effects. And when you try to cut back, you will find that the decreased consumption makes you feel tired, annoyed and easily irritable.

4. Burnout

Fluctuating moods, capriciousness and emotional instability every single day are strong tell-tale signs of a burnout if you are someone who juggles many roles.

5. Stress

Chronic stress can lead to underlying health problems, and it may make you feel sad, angry or bitter at any given day or time.

6. Medication

Mood swings can be the side effect of the medicine you are taking. If your doctor prescribes a new medicine, pay attention to how you feel for the first few weeks, because there may be a link between your mood and your meds.

Mood swings are a common side effect of Cafergot. I used to take them when I had violent attacks of migraine. I became easily irritable than usual. I had a hard time waking up from sleep, too. That made my mood swings even worse.

7. Thyroid imbalance

People who have an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) make too much thyroid hormone. People with an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) don’t make enough. Both can cause a number of health issues, including mood swings.

8. Hormones

When you are on hormone therapy, for thyroid condition or IVF for example, you may feel upset or mad for absolutely no reason. When your body makes hormones in greater or smaller amounts than usual, your mood will rise or fall accordingly.

9. Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, your body increases its hormones production for your body to grow and nourish the baby. These surges of hormones can affect your mood. You may cry more than usual or feel empty inside all of a sudden. You might swing from happy to sad, then back again, and the cycle repeats on a daily basis.

Some women become depressed during pregnancy or after the baby is born, when hormone levels drop abruptly. If that’s you, please talk to your spouse and your doctor.

10. PMS

Many women experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) during the days right before their period. This can bring about symptoms like cramps, headaches and mood changes. PMS can make you have violent mood swings without any trigger at all.

11. Menopause

When you start menopause, your body makes far fewer hormones than it once did. That drop can cause many symptoms, including hot flashes, sleep difficulties and mood swings.

12. Lack of stimuli

Lack of stimulation from sights of your favourite things, like your loved one whom you are missing dearly, or even as simple as not wearing perfume or lighting a scented candle in your room, can make you feel less enlivened.

13. Fatigue

Fatigue can be physical, mental or even emotional. It may be difficult to describe, and words like lethargic, exhausted and tired are often used. When one suffers from a constant lack of energy, it feels almost impossible to feel cheerful or positive. Low moods ranging from breaking down in tears and flares of tempers may frequently occur.

14. Grief

During the process of grieving, you may find your mood swinging back and forth between sadness and guilt. Or you may feel regrets and anxiety shifting quickly inside. You may find yourself directing mood irritability at yourself or your loved ones.

15. Disorder

Disorders like dementia or ADHD cause mood temperaments that can be explosive and volatile.

Dementia causes damage to the brain, which affects a person’s memory and personality over time. People with dementia generally experience sudden mood swings; calm one minute, then angry or upset the next. They feel frustrated that they forget things or cannot express their thoughts anymore. Some people with dementia become depressed and withdraw into themselves. Others don’t interact with anyone, even if they had been social before.

If you have deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you may not be able to control your impulses well. You are likely to get angry or frustrated easily and suddenly, even for trivial things like long lines or slow traffic.

Understanding these conditions and applying professional treatments are necessary for managing emotional instability.

Understanding your moods

Do not be quick to dismiss your mood swings without understanding the triggers of your emotional instability.

We do not want to be around people who are snappy and nasty at their whim and fancy. The same applies to the people around us, especially the ones we love.

Having bouts of mood swings that are uncontrollable caused me to have a lacklustre approach to life. Upon working on amazing essentials like mood scents, I realized that taking control of my emotional well-being is key living my best days.

I wish you the best in moods - and in everything great that you do!


Elma is an Organizational Specialist by day and a Mood Scientist by heart. Visit her website.

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