We have all heard of the term "mood swings" - where our moods change unpredictably and we don't even know why.
Countless studies have shown that there are many triggers that do affect our mood, energy and productivity on a day-to-day basis. There are plenty of tips that can be searched online. But did you know that tips to boost good moods can also be found in the Quran and the Sunnah?
Allah swt says: "This (Quran) is enlightenment for mankind and guidance and mercy for a people who are certain (in faith)." [Quran, 45:20]
There are things that can significantly affect our mood as a striving Muslimah. Let's discover the top 4 triggers, along with mindful tips from the Quran and the Sunnah to help enliven our mood, In sha Allah!
1. Messy And Disorganized Home
This is quite simple, really. When our home is in a mess, or our work space is cluttered and dusty, our mood can instantly transform into sheer frustration and impatience. We feel uninspired and productivity becomes low. Home is where we perform our ibadah, and so it is important that we keep it clean and organized.
Be motivated by the Prophet's (peace be upon him) hadith: "Cleanliness is half the faith (iman)." [Muslim]
The act of cleaning and decluttering can make you feel good and productive. Earn His Rewards by giving away your unworn clothes and unused home furnishings to those in need.
Enliven your sparkling clean space by diffusing essential oils or mist water-based fragrance around your home.
2. Lack Of Self-Care
In our desire to multiply our good deeds while juggling our obligations as a wife/mum/daughter/business owner/sister/friend/Muslimah, we tend to neglect our own well-being. We resist the need to rest and relax when that's exactly what we need to restore our energy and willpower. Exhaustion, fatigue and burnout totally wipe out any feeling of good mood and leaves us feeling low and miserable.
There are multiple hadiths about the importance of recreation, emphasizing its value in helping someone to regain vitality and increase in productivity. Handalah bin Aamir once complained to the Prophet that some of his time is intermingled with playing with his children and family.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) answered: "But there should be a time for this and a time for serious deeds." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
One mindful tip to practise self-care on a daily basis is knowing when to stop. Use regularbreaks.com to help prompt you to take a break in regular intervals. This is especially helpful when you are deep in focused work.
Having a planned schedule or daily checklist will also help greatly with time management. This further maximizes your time for productive work and ibadah that are stress-free and fulfilling.
3. Not Getting Enough Sleep
Many of our daily activities are at the expense of our sleep. Research shows that women who consistently sleep fewer hours than usual (typically 8 to 10 hours a night) are more likely to experience daytime sleepiness, trouble with memory and concentration, increased tendencies for low moods and anxiety, and impaired performance at school and work.
May this verse motivate you to beat temptations at night: "It is Allah who made for you the night that you may rest therein and the day giving sight. Indeed, Allah is full of bounty to the people, but most of the people are not grateful." [Quran, 40:61]
Understandably, we have to wake up hours earlier for suhoor when we fast, which can feel like jumping to a new time zone for some. If fasting is a new experience for you, not getting enough sleep can put a stress on your body that may weaken your immune system, diminish libido, and lead to weight gain.
A few easy routine adjustments like taking a nap during the day can go a long way for the night owl in you.
4. Comparing Yourself With Others
When we compare ourselves with somebody else, we don't really focus on ourselves and our intentions. All we think about is how fast their progress is, how lucky they are to be able to do Taraweeh prayers at the mosque, or how consistent they are with their ibadah. Whether we realize it or not, when we compare ourselves to others, we're comparing their best features against our average ones. It's like being right-handed and trying to cook for iftar with your left hand. Our self-esteem and mood will be negatively impacted.
Let's reflect on this verse: “Indeed God is the possessor of bounty for all people but most people do not give thanks.” [Al-Baqarah 2: 243]
When we confront ourselves right away by remembering our blessings and those who are less fortunate, we balance our thoughts and our gratitude to Allah.
You can also:
Focus on your own strengths (and perhaps monetize them!)
Learn to compete with yourself instead of others
Do a social media detox
Restart good habits like reading or writing a blog
Make du'a to thank Allah for His Blessings
Any of these triggers can make us feel moody and make us act in a way that is totally out of character. I hope by sharing them with you, along with a tip or two, you can be more mindful of the things that can affect you daily and easily.
May Allah make us steadfast in our intentions and actions as Muslimahs who strive for the best in this world for our Hereafter. Aamiin.
Elma relieves her mood swings with chocolates and mood scents. She used to blog daily back in 2003 and now aspires to pick up on where she left. To connect with her on passion projects and content creation, email her at elma@thebarakahpeople.com